• Travel

    Four Days in Tuscany

    a visual diary of four days in tuscany

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  • Travel

    A Stay at the Tuscan Villa Poggiano

    a stunning stay overlooking Tuscany...

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  • Fashion

    What I Wore In Florence

    mini recap of all the outfits I wore in Florence...

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  • Italy

    Four Days in Florence

    exploring the renaissance rich city of Florence...

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  • A December Birthday at Home

    birthday red roses
    Birthday Roses

    It’s been a very strange year. From moving in a middle of the pandemic to staying at home, it’s no surprise that this birthday was a low key one at home as well. If there is one thing I’ve learned to master this year, it’s how to be okay when any and every plan you make is blown to absolute bits. It’s taught me so much patience and I know for a fact that I will never take so many things for granted ever again.

    I celebrated my last birthday prancing around a vibrant bustling city, not having an inkling of what the year 2020 would bring. So although it was a tough year, I feel like I have walked away from it slightly stronger and much more prepared (at least one can hope), for any uncertainties that life plans on throwing at me, in my next lap around the sun.


    Using my platform as an outlet for my passion for travel, beauty and fashion.

    Find me on: Web

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