We have all heard of it: Cambridge. Home to the ever so famous University of Cambridge, is the cutest little UK town. This past Sunday we decided to take the quick one hour train journey to spend an afternoon in the town. It always feels so good to escape the hustle and bustle of London and architecture in English towns just never fails to disappoint.

We got there around 11.30am in the morning and it was already almost lunch time so we found a local pub called The Eagle, with the cutest little heated patio to get our munch on in. Since it was so early, we pretty much got the place to ourselves in the beginning so it was such a cosy and quiet vibe.

We spent the rest of our time walking around the Cambridge center and around the University of Cambridge campus.

Having grown up surrounded by influences from the University of Cambridge textbooks, naturally I ventured into the OG spot of University of Cambridge bookstore. It was such a nostalgic moment, to look at the famous (and back then, quite intimidating) emblem of the university. Childhood feelings came rushing back with the scent of fresh print press and it was such a bitter sweet moment of realizing how far life had taken me since the good old O’level days.

Although this is not a comprehensive guide and more so a picture gallery, I did happen upon this really good blog post by Untold Morsels on how to make the best on a day trip to Cambridge. Definitely a cute destination and easy to get to from London, so would recommend if you are looking to have a quick morning/afternoon getaway from the city!