Would you be believe me if I told you that this was the first piece of purple clothing I have added to my wardrobe and outfit collection in over 5 years?
Growing up, I was obsessed with the color purple. I was the little girl with the purple Disney backpack with a matching pencil case filled to the brim with, you guessed it, purple colored markers and glitter pens. It was like the color was my calling. It made the most boring of school tasks look instantly prettier. For the longest time, I used to even dream of a purple wedding dress. So when I came across this gorgeous top, it was like the floodgates of my pre-teen memories was just wide open.
Shooting this was so much fun. I also realized that I very rarely take a picture for the actual fun or aesthetic of how it actually makes me feel, as opposed to how it would feed on my feed on Instagram. Just wearing the color made me feel like my very old self again. The person who would want to do something, not based off of how it would ‘fit’ but how fun the process was and how much excitement I had during the editing and conceptualizing process. As I try to be more consistent in this space, look forward to more of what I love and makes me me.