• Travel

    Four Days in Tuscany

    a visual diary of four days in tuscany

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  • Travel

    A Stay at the Tuscan Villa Poggiano

    a stunning stay overlooking Tuscany...

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  • Fashion

    What I Wore In Florence

    mini recap of all the outfits I wore in Florence...

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  • Italy

    Four Days in Florence

    exploring the renaissance rich city of Florence...

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  • How to Build Your Skincare Routine

    How to Build Your Skincare Routine

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    How to Layer Your Skincare Products

    How to Layer Your Skincare Products

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    Importance of Exfoliation and Why You Should Exfoliate Regularly

    Importance of Exfoliation and Why You Should Exfoliate Regularly

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    The Importance of Toners in Skincare

    The Importance of Toners in Skincare

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