Facial Steaming…how the hell did I not start doing this earlier was my question as I stared into the mirror after my first at home steam session. If you are obsessed with clean pores, getting rid of congestion and at home face masks then you HAVE to get in on this.
Crazy Good Benefits of Facial Steaming

- Cleansing: this is of course the glaringly obvious benefit. Once you do the first cleanse and you steam…oufffff…the results of that second cleanse is insane! Facial steaming also releases excess and trapped sebum which also allows for much easier distraction of blackheads. This is my absolute favorite benefit. As a city girl with oily skin, blackheads are my absolute nemesis and in my short time facial steaming, it has already shown drastically excellent results.
- Promotes Circulation & Promotes Collagen: The warm steam does absolute wonders as it makes your face sweat from the heat. It increases circulation and boosts oxygen to your face. The same heat is excellent for promoting collagen and really plumps up the skin. The glow is too damn real.
- Helps Your Skincare Work Better: Once you have steamed your skin, it’ll make your pores much more receptive to absorbing the products. Your skin is super soft and the product will sink into your skin much easily and effectively.
- Affordable: Need I say more? Once you invest in your steaming device at home, all you need is clean water (bottled mineral is my choice – avoid tap cuz you don’t want that clogging your pores).
How To Do a Facial Steam At Home (Step by Step)
- Make sure that you skin is pre-cleansed so that your pores can the the maximum benefit from this. Remove any makeup or skincare products you have on,
- Fill up your device with the appropriate amount of water and keep your face at a reasonable distance. Sit on a chair and keep the device on a flat surface.
- During the steam, make sure to listen to your skin so that you are careful as to not burn your skin. A safe distance would be minimum of the span of your hand (around 6 inches).
- Make sure you keep your eyes closed during the steam. Take breaks whenever you feel like you need a little air.
- Enjoy the steam! It’s actually an extremely relaxing skincare experience so just take it all in and focus on your breathing. It will feel so refreshing once you are finished!
- Once you are done with the steaming part, you can continue to exfoliate with your favorite masks and products to reap the benefits of the steam. I also like to use the Bioré pore strips (my personal faves but any pick will work) and a physical exfoliant before locking in the hydration. You can also use your fave Face Mist to lock it all in.
How Often Should You Steam Your Face
While steaming your face daily may seem like a great and highly addicting idea, it’s actually really truly not. In fact, facial steaming done in excess (more than 2 times a week) can actually cause breakouts and more skin problems.