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    Four Days in Tuscany

    a visual diary of four days in tuscany

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  • Travel

    A Stay at the Tuscan Villa Poggiano

    a stunning stay overlooking Tuscany...

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  • Fashion

    What I Wore In Florence

    mini recap of all the outfits I wore in Florence...

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  • Italy

    Four Days in Florence

    exploring the renaissance rich city of Florence...

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  • Three Lessons from Sex & The City

    Been rewatching Sex and the City and with a new move and a new life starting in the UK, I thought it would be appropriate to share some key things I have been feeling/thinking about. Things I didn’t understand before but now I can see under a brand new light.

    1.Sometimes, food gives you perspective. Life getting too much? McDonalds is the way to go. I mean, not all the time…my God, I’m not a monster. Not anymore anyway. But anytime I’m down, I find it is the way to go and I have learned that if it makes me happy, I’m gonna have my moments where I pop on Friends or Sex and the City and enjoy a nice upsized McDonalds bag complete with a McFlurry.  #dontjudgemeplz


    2. Be you and don’t apologize for it. The world will judge either way, why not just be you? I have never had it in me to be fake. Now that I am no longer in school and in the real world I have some real perspective on this issue. All through the teenage years, I was the girl who wanted to fit in and would do anything and say anything to please my friends and family. I realized too late and after too many crying sessions that confidence in who I was, was what I was missing. I changed that and now I am making friends in my new world and maintaining friendships with only those that I can be 100% me with, and I feel so happy being completely and unapologetically me.


    3. Living IN the damn moment: This is something I constantly struggle with. I am the classic over thinker and of course that means, that of the main things is thinking 10 steps ahead and forgetting to live in the moment. But this really did get me thinking (lol @ the standard Carrie Bradshaw line), I’m starting to let big moments of my life pass me by and I am not mentally present to live in them! It’s crazy to think that in a span of a few months, I packed up my life for the second time and moved from Toronto to London, but I haven’t stopped to savour the moment. I haven’t spent any time, breathing it all in and actually realizing the magnitude of how I managed to get where I always wanted to be with my partner by my side. Time to work on this full time just like the new job I started today lol #multimentaltasking



    One of my I’m in the moment posts, so hope you guys enjoyed it.

    XX (super British way to end a conversation, somethingI picked up at work today)


    Using my platform as an outlet for my passion for travel, beauty and fashion.

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