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    Four Days in Tuscany

    a visual diary of four days in tuscany

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    A Stay at the Tuscan Villa Poggiano

    a stunning stay overlooking Tuscany...

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    What I Wore In Florence

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  • Italy

    Four Days in Florence

    exploring the renaissance rich city of Florence...

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  • Three Things I Miss About Living in Canada

    Coffee: Missing Tim Hortons

    I love my coffee. I am was the person who would find it difficult to function without my daily dose of double double. So naturally something insanely different and difficult is missing my delicious cup of Tims with my one birthday cake Tim Bit on the side. I feel that the coffee in London is pretty much standard, but Tim Hortons will always have the special place in my heart. My first day here, I went and asked for  a “regular coffee” without looking at the menu which was followed by a full minute of confusion by the baristas at my local Pret. I scanned the menu quickly and realized to my horror, there was no concept of just plain and simple coffee, so I went for the Americano, the closest thing I could find. It has been almost 6 months since my move…I am still not over it.

    Transport: The Tube Life

    From driving to taking the tube. I miss driving oh SO much.Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, will ever beat walking out my front door, plopping in my car and getting to where I need to be on my own time. But that being said, the tube is pretty quick and helpful to get around. I live a 5 minute walk from the tube station which is even more convenient so I don’t mind it as much but of course rush hour has quickly become my Everest. I don’t think there is a day that goes by that I don’t daydream about driving and being in the calm of my car after a long day at work #totalsuburbangirl

    Apartment Life: Sizing Down

    This is insanely difficult. London is small. Like soooooooooooo small. And coming from Canada, the spaces feel SO TINY. And unfortunately I don’t have ANY storage in my little apartment. Definitely difficult and something to get used to but I am still in that high of being in a new country so not minding it as much as the moment. I anticipated this and I think it was because I was mentally prepared, it was a lot easier. Enter IKEA. IKEA. IKEA.


    And there you have it. Three things that I miss every single day about living in the Great White North…and I dont think there will ever be a day that I dont.


    Using my platform as an outlet for my passion for travel, beauty and fashion.

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