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    Four Days in Tuscany

    a visual diary of four days in tuscany

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  • Tips for Visiting The Blue Lagoon in Iceland

    Tip 1: Coat your hair in conditioner

    The Blue Lagoon is one of the most beautiful destinations in the world BUT it is one of the worst places for your hair as well. Before you head into the stunning blue and white waters filled with silica and loooooads of sulfate ickness, make sure to grab your favorite conditioner or even hair mask for that matter and absolutely coat your hair or you will 100% end up with the worst and most coarse hair that will take weeks and months to get back on the right track. Right before you head into the lagoon, you will be taking a shower and they have loads of conditioner available right before you enter which makes your life super easy!

    Tip 2: Get the Premium Package

    If you’re doing a pit stop or a day trip to the Blue Lagoon like most people, you will have the option between choosing the most popular packages of either Comfort or Premium. I would highly recommend paying a little extra for the Premium as it gives you access to two more of their face masks which makes it super fun to use in the lagoon. If not you can always pay on the spot but makes your life super easy if you have it picked before hand!

    Tip 3: Post dip Hair masking and deep conditioning

    After care for your ‘Blue Lagoon’ hair is super important even if you have successfully remembered and done the pre-dip conditioning part! This will make managing your hair for the rest of your trip super easy and even with the remainder of the build up, you can do round 2 of washing it all away and being back on track!

    Book your experience in advance here.

    P.S. Have you checked out my full week long Guide to Iceland? All the details for your next adventure in one spot!


    Using my platform as an outlet for my passion for travel, beauty and fashion.

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